Can I Use Human Shampoo For A Puppy?

On one side of the dog shampoo debate, you’ve got dog owners who stand up for their firm stand that human shampoo is perfectly fine to bathe puppies with and then back up their claim with the equally strong claim that they’ve been giving their puppies good baths with a human shampoo specifically designed for dogs and they’re healthy and fine. On the other side of this debate, there are those who say that human shampoo can do more harm than good to dogs, and this human shampoo may even be dangerous to dogs in large amounts or in large quantities over a long period of time. So which dog care tip should you go for?

The short answer to this question is that humans don’t exactly use the best human shampoo when it comes to caring for your dog. Humans use a wide variety of different chemicals, some of which are toxic to humans, and of course humans can’t ingest these chemicals, and yet still humans suffer from allergic reactions, skin irritations, and other negative effects. And just like with humans, different types of dogs have different pH levels and different levels of acid mantle throughout their bodies, which means that human shampoo can aggravate, as well as neutralize or mitigate the affects of certain dog body chemistry. For example, longhaired breeds of dogs have a higher level of acid mantle so human shampoo can actually help this type of breed to be less oily and therefore healthier.

Human shampoo works on the premise that every animal has a protective layer of oils and sebum that we call sebaceous glands. This is the same protective layer that we have between our skin and the external environment, and this protective layer plays an important part in keeping the skin moist and free of bacteria and dirt, as well as helping to keep the coat looking silky smooth. Many brands of human shampoo will help you achieve a clean shiny coat by adding conditioning and moisturizing ingredients to the wash.

So how can human shampoo help maintain a healthy skin and coat? Using human shampoo will help to gently remove dead skin cells and other debris from the body, which can cause acne. It will also gently exfoliate the skin to get rid of dead skin cells and debris. Exfoliation helps to get rid of dead skin cells, and this is another way that dead skin cells can build up within the body and cause acne. Using human shampoo to exfoliate the skin and to gently cleanse the coat will help to ensure that there is a healthy balance between sebum, skin proteins and sebum gland secretions.

Some dog foods actually contain chemicals and additives that are not only unhealthy for your pet, but that can actually upset the pH level of the skin and affect your dog’s ability to properly protect itself from the elements. Using human shampoo to properly prepare their kibble will remove these harmful chemicals and ingredients, and will maintain the pH level of their coat. This will also improve their digestion and reduce the chance of occurrence of any food allergies. Human shampoo can be used in place of pet hair to add additional shine and life to your dog’s coat.

Ph level is also affected by diet. When you provide your dog with only pet food, it is only helping to create an acidic environment inside its intestines. Using human shampoo to mix in their bowl will help to restore the pH level of their intestines, and keep their body pH levels in a normal range, encouraging healthy skin and coat.

Dry skin is one of the first signs of skin problems or allergy. You can help to reduce dry skin by providing them with a gentle cleanser. Human breast milk is the best choice for their daily cleanser and can easily be mixed into their dish with other ingredients. You can also add essential oils like jojoba and lavender to their human wash to improve the feel and softness of your puppy’s skin.

There are a number of reasons to improve the pH balance of your dog’s skin. Using human shampoo can give them the added benefits of improved digestion and reduced risk of developing allergies. Pet grooming products can also have side effects, so it is always better to consult with your vet before using any type of human shampoo for your canine friend. Regular bathing with soap and water can also help to improve the pH balance of your pet’s skin. You can learn more about pH balancing human skin in the link below.